13 februari 2010

Social media marketing

Companies like Apple, Nike and Vodafone are standing in line to advertise on his blog. I'm talking about the blogger Nalden, who became famous with a good idea and a good set of brains. His blog has become the brand Nalden! Here's an example of how social media can be used effectively.

Who is this blogger

Nalden started blogging in 2002 for friends about mainly music and parties. Soon he attracted an audience down in the Netherlands and abroad with his inspirational messages about music. Meanwhile, he won 2 Dutch Bloggies, one for lifestyle and one for design (prize for best Dutch blogger). He is also in the Decemberissue of ‘Vrij Nederland’. Nalden is no longer blogging just about music anymore but about all things in his life that he finds interesting. He selects only what he finds cool: music, design, parties, advertising, gadgets, technology, architecture, art etc. Nalden is often the first one to come with new stuff. He brings unknown artists to the attention and puts cool brands on his stage. Nalden is a blogger with a celebrity status. He has a big influence, people and businesses want to be seen and associated with him. Take a look @ his blog: http://www.nalden.net/

Make money with a blog
The weblog of Nalden provides access to national, young, hip, creative and often wealthy people. This is a very interesting audience but difficult to reach for advertisers. These are people who lead the way in trends, fashion, design, gadgets, technology and music. A group called influentials in marketing jargon. Their opinion counts. They are of great value to advertisers because they are the key to a lager audience. These people are difficult to reach, media wise and are distrustful towards commercial messages. They are more able to figure out what they want for their selves. Through his blog advertisers come in contact with these groups. Nalden has devised a business model and makes al lot of money with it. He sells advertising space to brands on his blog in the form of wallpapers. Brands pay big money to be visually present on Nalden’s Blog. These wallpapers are downloadable for visitors, who can put these on their hyves page, mobile phone or PC desktop. Nalden is extremely picky when it comes to selecting wallpapers for his blog. Nalden does not promises advertisers more site visitors. He makes them part of the Nalden experience and promises that his visitors will talk about the brands, online and offline.

What is his trick, technique, tip or secret?
I think a lot of companies can learn a lot from Nalden's marketing strategy. Consumers have become increasingly elusive. How can companies ensure that they are being noticed by the audience? Companies currently have three choices. In summary these are the options: First of all, they can entertain their audience. Secondly, they can appear as a reviewer and give their opinion. Finally, companies can communicate with their audience. Start a conversation with them and 'really' listen to them. Most brands choose one strategy. What is Nalden's trick, technique, tip or secret? He unites all three strategies. He is not only the entertainer, he also gives his opinion and he invites people to give their opinion by using social media like twitter and hyves.

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